BCA acknowledges that this is the traditional land of the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with Kaurna Country.
We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are important to Kaurna people today.
We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge the cultural authority of Aboriginal people visiting/attending from other areas of South Australia/Australia.
Brownhill Creek Recreation Park / Wirraparinga is a beautiful and historic park located within 10km of Adelaide’s CBD. This park will soon to be part of a tourism and heritage precinct which will incorporate Carrick Hill as the tourism hub, the University of Adelaide Waite Campus, historic Mitcham Village, Brownhill Creek Recreation Park and sections of Springwood Park Estate. Within the 52 hectare park is a 4km section of Brownhill Creek / Willawilla, significant native flora and fauna and important Kaurna and European cultural heritage.
Brownhill Creek Heritage Trail Final 31 July 2017
Brownhill Creek Association Incorporated (BCA) is partnering with Kaurna Elders (Traditional Owners), the Friends of Brownhill Creek Recreation Park, Mitcham Historical Society, Scotch College, Mercedes College, Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Mitcham Girls High School, Mitcham Primary School, Urrbrae TAFE, Mitcham Rotary Club, the Suzanne Elliott Charitable Trust, the National Parks & Wildlife Service SA, Green Adelaide, The Bee Hub, Carrick Hill Trust, the owners of SP Estate, the University of Adelaide Waite Campus, the City of Mitcham, Mitcham Heritage Research Centre, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Walking SA, the National Trust of South Australia, Conservation Council SA, Adelaide University, Flinders University, local businesses, community volunteers and both State and Federal governments. BCA is working with our partners on a range of community projects.
- Wirraparinga Loop Trail Project
The Wirraparinga Loop Trail Agreement has been signed by Carrick Hill Trust, SP Estate, the Department for Environment, the City of Mitcham and BCA.
*Maps courtesy of Jim McLean from Walking SA: https://www.walkingsa.org.au
BCA Wirraparinga Loop Trail Tourism Forum at Carrick Hill
Wirraparinga Loop Trail Stakeholder Meeting at Carrick Hill
View of Adelaide from Brown Hill on the 10km Wirraparinga Loop Trail
- Native Revegetation and Habitat Restoration Projects
BCA has an Education & Revegetation Committee comprising representatives from Scotch College, Mercedes College, Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Mitcham Girls High School, Mitcham Primary School, Green Adelaide Education and the National Parks & Wildlife Service SA.
BCA’s Ed & Reveg Committee and the Friends of Brownhill Creek Recreation Park coordinate seven native revegetation and habitat restoration sites. The Southern Brown Bandicoot Colony and Grey Box Grassy Woodland are Federally listed as Endangered. Mountain and Climbing Galaxias native fish are State listed as Vulnerable and Rare.
BCA Ed & Reveg Committee
BCA Ed & Reveg Committee Schools’ Planting Day
Urrbrae Agricultural High School student mentoring younger students – BCA Planting Day
Restoration of Brownhill Creek / Willawilla
Southern Brown Bandicoot-Brownhill Creek Recreation Park
Climbing Galaxias Native Fish – Brownhill Creek Recreation Park
- Education Projects
BCA’s Education and Revegetation Committee coordinates Schools’ Environmental Education Days, cultural heritage excursions, mentoring opportunities, staff development and curriculum development.
BCA Ed & Reveg Committee Schools’ Environmental Education Day – Keynote speaker Prof Chris Daniels. MC Prof Wayne Meyer.
Brownhill Creek Environmental Education Day
Allan Sumner – Kaurna Welcome to Country and Cultural Education session for the Schools’ Education Day
BCA Schools’ Education Day – Kaurna Elder Uncle Jeffrey Newchurch
Kaurna Elder Uncle Mickey O’Brien – BCA / Scotch College staff development session at the Kaurna Shelter Tree
Sylvia Zukowski-Aquatic Ecologist-Aquatic workshop with UAHS students- BCA Schools’ Education Day
Uncle Mickey O’Brien, Tikari Rigney, Ron Bellchambers (BCA) and Tjimari at a Scotch College Inclusion Workshop
Jeremy Gramp – Green Adelaide Education – mentoring opportunity at BCA Schools’ Day
Mimi Johnson displaying her Youth Environment Council project on Brown Hill Creek. Mimi is an Urrbrae Agricultural High School student and volunteer member of the Friends of Brownhill Creek.
“This is Brownhill Creek” by local filmmaker Linda Kennedy
Linda enjoyed Brownhill Creek in her childhood and now visits often with her two children. Brownhill Creek is their favourite place. Linda is passionate about making imaginative and creative documentaries and you can see more of her work at Midnight SHORTS
“This is Ellison’s Gully”, the latest video by local filmmaker Linda Kennedy. Linda was not paid to produce these films and kindly made them freely available to the public. Linda hopes that her films will help to preserve these natural valleys for future generations. Ellison’s Gully is located on SP Estate and will be part of the Wirraparinga Loop Trail.